I tested a variety of easily found yarns (Michaels, JoAnn, WalMart) using:
- Double-strength fruit punch
- Sesame chili oil
- Strong tea
- Chocolate
- Raspberries
- Red wine
Washed on permanent press cycle after letting potential stains set in. Dryer on delicate.
AVOID cotton or high-percentage cotton blends in white and other light colors.
USE variegated or ombre yarns with no white in them – even if they’re stained, you won’t be able to see it.
USE acrylic or polyester yarns for best stain resistance.

Various yarns after trying to wash out stains
JoAnn Cotton Yarn

- Darker colors hide stains no matter what the material
- Multicolor (ombre, variegated, etc.) yarns also hide stains as long as the colorway does not include white; still, the darker the better.
- Cotton stains more than other materials like polyester or acrylic.
- Cotton blends stain less than pure cotton